This is me in the middle of my Dark Night Of The Soul, which means you are lost in total darkness, cut of from Source, trying to find home. The Dark neverending night was parallel with Soul depression (the soul wants to do soul mission, but the human self is blocked, and this polarity hurts, I can tell you).
My hair is so thin because I lost one-third of my hair when my Twin Flame and I separated, along with 7 kg (15.43 pounds) in two months.
I may not look it, but the pain I was experiencing was excruciating. And for five long years, it reached all the way to Soul level, and I later realized I went into Soul chock when the separation happened. I was a zombie, not alive on the inside.
If I had been told I was going to make bliss my natural state, I wouldn't have believed it. But I did it, and now, I am strong beyond what I could have imagined back then, and I am incredibly humble and grateful for that.
I honestly don't even remember exactly how I felt; I have successfully erased those feelings of shame, guilt, and unworthiness from my emotional archive.
But when you tell me about the pain, I know. When you tell me about the Twin Flame separation, I can relate profoundly. When you tell me you're stuck, I can say, “I've been there too.”
And when I say to you, “you are going through these painful initiations of light to grow and learn, and you are going to make it, and you are going to bloom”, it's because I have experienced it myself first hand. I was so so lost, but I found my way home. I have the experience, the map, and the tools to help YOU, which is the GREATEST GIFT ever. To be able to help ease that kind of pain that tore me apart for years within others is, honestly, my lifeʼs most precious gift.
And I want to say to you; There is always hope, there is help, and there is an ending to the darkness and despair. I PROMISE❤️
Blessings and love, Susanna
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