My story
Welcome to the Goddess of Light healing network. I'm so glad you found me!
In 2015 in my Twin Flame journey, Spirit guided me to resign from my desk job as a project coordinator and embark on a magical journey to discover my spiritual abilities and Soul purpose. Since then, I have had the privilege to help beautiful souls merge with their Divine essence, unite with their Twin Flame, fulfill their higher purpose, and heal mind, body, and soul.
After Twin Flame separation I found myself struggling for five years in the Dark Night of the Soul. I had lost my connection to Source and my soul and was stumbling in the dark. After five years of deep pain, I found my way to twin flame healers Jill Miller and Remi Thivierge, and that was when my life started to come back to me. I started taking all their classes and courses, and I slowly found my way back to my heart and soul again.
Facing that deep pain was the only way I could find the light again, and the only way I could later help others. Because even though it was the most painful experience of my life I'm grateful for it. The twin flame journey is so profoundly transforming, and I wouldn't have been the person I am today without it, I believe that I couldn't have been able to help others walking the same path if I hadn't. My higher purpose now is to help you navigate the challenges of this journey, and live out your full potential and dreams. You are here on this earth to embark on life´s spiritual journey and embrace the voice from your soul, and I'm honored that you found your way to me and to be of service of you.
During my painful years, I was activated, and I'm now a full-body channel that works directly with the higher dimensions, at the same time, I go through all the challenges you face in your journey, so I know how challenging it can be. I have also experienced the ecstasy of Twin Flame love and the immense Divine love from higher dimensions and how it can guide us in the most magical ways. I have over ten years of experience in my Twin Flame journey and seven years of experience working as a healer, and I hope you can be helped by the healing I meditate.
After Dark Night of the Soul and my first meeting with Jill and Remi, my path led me to train myself as a certified health educator and healer and start my own company. In the journey, I have, in gratitude and humility, become clearer about what my higher task is and who I am. My work is based on my experience and the knowledge and energy tools I channel from the higher dimensions. I teach and heal in a way that considers ascension's spiritual, emotional, relational, and physical aspects. In my work, I combine high-vibration ascension tools that I download from the higher dimensions with a grounded approach based on experiences from my work as a healer, my knowledge as a health educator, and my ascension and Twin Flame journey.
You can expect all my classes and sessions to wrap you in love and compassion. To help you on your spiritual journey and build your light on both the soul and personality levels. So you can bring down the love and light of your Divine Self into your physical reality, love yourself more fully, fulfill your dreams, and experience the love of the Universe.
With love, Susanna

Susanna was Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Claircognizant, Clairsentient, and an empath already as a child. At age seven, Spirit told her that her reason for incarnating was to mediate healing with her voice globally. From the age of seven, she also started learning about chakra healing with the Archangels and Ascended Masters from her mother. On her spiritual path as a Twin Flame and gifted healer, she has developed all eight psychic senses, the gift of channeling, and the ability to access the Akashic Records to perform light work. She is a channeler, awakened Divine Feminine Twin Flame, Goddess of Light, High Priestess, and one of the Keepers of the Solar codes of this Solar System, which builds the pillars of the New Earth.
Her Soul Mission is to help awaken all the Divine Feminine Templates in the heart and soul of every incarnated being. As a true Goddess of Light, she serves the templates and the Temples of Light, Purity, Wisdom, and Fertility. She works within the frequency spectrums Violet, Diamond White, Silver Platinum White, Rose Pink, and the 1st order of Angels: Seraphim.
Through sonic light transmissions conveyed through her voice, and I AM presence, Seraphim Over-soul, her Soul mission is to convey healing and support you in transforming the human trauma and miscreations you carry in your cells, DNA, energy system, and traumatized fragments of your soul. She also works to implement the Diamond, Crystalline, Platinum, and Rainbow light codes assisting the I AM Avatar race to step into the 5th dimension. Her passion is also to teach to help you as an advanced soul on your Journey of ascension: achieving Soul embodiment, Self Mastery, Self-realization, and uniting with your Twin flame Heart to Heart, Soul to Soul, and aligning to the New Earth and the New Golden Ages of Light.
Susanna is based in Stockholm, Sweden, and works full-time as an intuitive healer, spiritual mentor, and lecturer. She has channeled over 1500 unique transmissions in private sessions, workshops, and courses, working with over 300 clients, providing ascension tools and programs from the 7th-12th dimension to clients in Scandinavia to assist in their ascension process, uniting with their Twin Flame and manifesting their Soul mission.