About my recorded sessions
My Light Transmissions are Transforming and Activating Galactic and Multidimensional Ascension Healing Sessions conveyed through channeled transmissions of light. They help you align with the Universe and expand in Soul Consciousness, supporting the Twin Flame Journey and ascension. When you align with the balance of the Universe and activate your innate gifts your life falls into place, and you experience increased synchronicities, inner peace, and strength.
I broadcast some of my Light Transmissions live and you can participate in Zoom. Sign up on my email list to stay updated.
Below you find a selection of my powerful and profoundly Transforming and activating Light Transmissions. These are as powerful as having a session with me and have the potential to activate innate gifts, merge you with your Multidimensional Higher Selves, heal multidimensional trauma (previous lifetimes and existences beyond Gaia), and expand your consciousness to higher dimensions.
Light Transmission Meditations are recorded ascension healing that clients listen to receive their healing instead of a live, one-on-one session. These activating and transforming sessions are just as effective as live healing and can make changes in your life by transforming negative belief systems and mindsets and removing blocks. The fact that it is recorded will not diminish its effectiveness. The healing travels through the time and space continuum, and clients regularly report profound healing taking place even years after the recording was made. These transmissions of light have the potential to shift your 3D consciousness to 5D consciousness by removing 3D templates and replacing them with new, high-vibrational templates.
Light Transmissions mediate healing through sound, color, and energy frequencies that interact with your cells and whole being on a quantum level. Each unique Light Transmission transmits light and healing from the 7th-12th dimension and is conveyed through my I AM presence mediated by the voice of my Angelic Seraphim Over~Soul.
Light Transmissions convey healing to support personal development and ascension. They help increase your light quotient, advance your energy system, activate your innate gifts, and implement high-vibrational light codes and light templates to support your ascension, optimal health, and potential on all levels of your being.